Grow-ness replaces Busi-ness
Nobody knows how to do what humanity must do next: radically reinvent itself. Highly skilled shift agents are required en-masse. The most needed profession is Trainer-trainer Trainer, someone who can train people to train other people how to train people and bring them through Thoughtware Upgrade processes - including the Liquid States. We are not dogs. We are able to upgrade the thoughtware we were given at birth and thereby evolve the quality of our awareness. Who holds and navigates space for these processes? Possibilitators. Edgeworkers. Riftwalkers. Trainers.
Three-hundred million Cultural Creatives around the globe are already thriving collaboratively in regenerative economies. What are you waiting for? What is stopping you from starting your next enterprise of mutual endeavor in the context of growness rather than in the context of business as usual? What stops you is probably only that you never thought of how to do it before. This website abounds in steps to take, processes for moving forward, consultants to talk with, and already-designed experiments to try that take you there step-by-step.
The term 'profit' in modern business terminology is well understood: externalize your costs. Buy low, sell high. Get more out than you put in. Burn the natural resources before anyone else does because they are free. Dump your trash into other people's back yards. This kind of 'profit' is a Gremlin feast, "Ha! Ha! I win. You lose! I got you!"
'Profit' as defined in Archiarchy growness terminology has an entirely different meaning. Profit means: to build the matrix to hold more consciousness, to deliver new useful distinctions, to provide authentic adulthood initiatory processes, to build that in a person which allows them to be more aware and take more responsibility, to facilitate healing and to cause transformation. Profit in a growness is Consciousness Profit, in other words, providing Nonmaterial Value. This kind of Profit is at the center of each growness.
Growness Replaces Business
This is an audio recording from a research space navigated by Anne-Chloé Destremau at the 2023 Archiarchy Maker Fair in Portugal.
Transforming the Quality of Your Livelihood
How alive is your livelihood?
No one can can decide for you what you do with your life.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from changing your mind and doing something entirely different.
How to shift from working in a 'business' to working in a 'growness' is already known.
It is not that you do not know how to connect in with your own inner wish.
Something else holds you back. What is it?
Growness Theory
SELLING HOURS... a blog post from Seth Godin
This might be the workplace question of the decade: Does the boss buy your time or your productivity?
In the pre-industrial age, when we worked from home (“cottage industries”) workers got paid by the piece.
As we moved to factories, it shifted. Many workers preferred a reliable regular paycheck, and owners decided to profit by investing in productivity and keeping the upside. When new machines show up, the workers don’t get paid more, but the boss makes more.
Now, as work-from-home promises/threatens to become a norm for many knowledge workers, the question is back.
Some bosses are demanding workers return to the office, and some managers have spent the last year forcing people to endure endless zoom meetings. The mindset seems to be that if your time is what got purchased, the boss wants to be sure you’re spending all of that time at work on work, not, who knows, tending for an ill family member or something.
But as it gets easier to measure productivity and contribution, and as it gets easier to outsource any task that can be described clearly, there’s a fork in the road:
If we’re not buying or selling hours, what, exactly do we measure and how are we compensated for it? Are workers ready or open to getting a commission, a profit-share or a per-piece price? And if we’re not selling our time but our contribution, does that further self-center the culture?
And if we are buying and selling hours, how does that work when surveillance capitalism bumps into workers needing flexible schedules and the trust that it takes to develop leadership and creative contribution?
Is it okay with you, the boss, if one of your workers dramatically increases productivity through some outsourcing or tech shortcuts on their own nickel and then goes home at 2 pm every day?
Is it okay if you have another worker who works until midnight every night but doesn’t get nearly as much done?
What about a team of five deciding to skip most of their meetings, coordinate through a shared doc and put the time they save into going for a walk or thinking about the next breakthrough?
If it’s truly about what we produce, how many people on the team are aware of how much they produce? What would happen if they were?
The theory of the firm was based on two key assumptions: That workers needed to be in physical proximity to each other, and that communicating with and measuring outsiders was simply too expensive to scale. For a lot of knowledge work, neither is completely true any more, and so we have to reckon with what the right size of a ‘firm’ even is.
The very nature of the factory and employment is completely up in the air. Instead of bragging about how many employees a company has, how big the office is, how many folks are in any given meeting… some leaders [Spaceholders] may start optimizing for how few they need to get the work done.
A Growness Theory Conversation
Two Possibilitators Investigate The Possibility Of Grownesses
I had some frustration, working with big corporations in the past. I'm not surprised, that the big organism Deutsche Bank activates it's immune system in order to fight and kill this dangerous new "winning happening virus" in order to turn back to "normal". This is the nature of big corporations. That’s why I rather work with entrepreneurs and founders of mid-sized and smaller companies, who are willing to work on themselves first. Nevertheless I'm eager to hear, what the department at Deutsche Bank did differently, when they shifted into winning happening? How could you see, that they were playing this new game (even if it was only for 3 months)?
I hear and see, that you are working your butt off. When I look at all your websites for instance, I wonder if you ever sleep at all… You empowered trainers who empowered trainers to do the work. You work with communities and with ecovillages. You write books, do movies and interviews, talks at conferences, and probably much more. I see that the new thoughtware is spreading. I wonder if it's spreading fast enough? Maybe there are still not enough people, who are ready yet. Maybe modern culture has to break down completely before a next culture can emerge. And maybe this will not happen within our lifetimes.
That’s why I'm still experimenting with reaching the vast amount of people working in organizations in the business world.My definition of "business" is: all game worlds, where people work together in order to develop and produce something or offer a service for other people which a single person can't do on their own.
It can be a way to gain momentum by working with entrepreneurs, who are currently running an organization or are founding one. Founders of small and mid-sized companies who are looking for different ways of collaboration, but who are lacking role models and ideas, how to do it. I've been doing this with koment in the past 6 years, ourselves and the companies we worked with becoming more and more radical (i.e. new ways of leadership, new non-hierarchical structures, IT managers standing in front of their department, talking about their fear, sadness, anger and joy). And yet, we just discussed this week, that we want to be even more specific with who we want to focus on in order to revolutionize business.
In this context I had an inspiring discussion with Rob and Howie, the founders of Undercurrent, a consultancy in the US who want to help organizations to revolutionize capitalism (seems to be a good match). They say they work with “awakened leaders” only, and I would call them bridge builders too, let’s say, a stepping-stone towards next culture.And then there is Andrew Hewitt, whom I met in India, who speaks about a new system, serving the common good and playing the infinite game of “win for all”. He is working on building bridges to an “emergent system that arises naturally and moves us closer to the beauty of nature”. Here is a link to his talk: https://youtu.be/GlVx3tKHhiI
The entrepreneurs, Rob, Howie, and Andrew are talking about, can be multipliers and role models for a different way of collaboration and co-creation. They can speed up and catalyze the process of developing next cultures.These next cultures might not yet be as radical as your idea of next culture is. But if the leap is not as big, more people might jump. And from there it’s easier to do the next step.
I think we need these examples in order to see what is feasible and what is possible right now, not knowing, if and when modern culture will break down completely. What also makes me believe that it's not a complete waste of time, is seeing more and more companies out there already, playing the game of 'win for all' and maybe also winning happening, such as Buurtzorg.
Your definition of 'business' is so radical that in my opinion it does not include ANY modern culture business, which must hold onto, by law, the central and first purpose of making a profit, e.g. externalize costs, put your trash in someone else's back yard, not regenerative in the least, a purely Gremlin game. I win. You lose. End of story.
I think trying to use your definition with modern people would at best create confusion towards your brand of coaching.
What I think is that we cannot 'revolutionize' business because business is not broken. It is doing exactly what it is supposed to do.
But we can leave capitalist patriarchal empire profit-centered 'business' gameworlds behind in the dust, by inventing totally new gameworlds under a different name. Call them 'grownesses' instead of 'businesses'.Grownesses are centered on growth of awareness rather than being centered on staying busy.
From mathematics there are two kinds of growth.- Growth in size, length, amount, quantity, profit.
- Growth in encompassment, direction, perspective, awareness.
Modern culture businesses and its economic paradigm have focused entirely on Growth #1: linear growth in size, and have tried to ignore and suppress the natural human longing and capacity for nonlinear multidimensional growth in awareness, Growth #2.
Growth #2 is growth in quality of life, growth in ability to be present and to connect, growth in healing and transformation, growth in initiation into the adult and the amazing archetypal worlds. There is unlimited potential in Growth #2 for new kinds of growth. In growth of encompassment, direction, perspective, and awareness, the resources and market space is truly unlimited. There is no top end to the evolution of consciousness.
Archiarchal Grownesses thrive in the unlimited non-competitive diverse collaborative nonlinear economy of distinctions.If you have a distinction that someone else does not have but needs, they become your client.
In the Archiarchal economy there is no medium of exchange. Instead there is ECO-NO-MoneY.There is direct exchange of value using Gaias. Co-created value amplification is the new and limitless market space where Grownesses thrive.
People and organizations create and deliver value. There is no exchange. This is living rather than surviving, abundance rather than scarcity.
The opposite of scarcity is not abundance. The opposite of scarcity is creating.
Take a look at the http://gaias.mystrikingly.com website, and the http://becomemoney.mystrikingly.com website.
This interests me. Trying to 'revolutionize' capitalist patriarchal empire businesses does not interest me.Decades ago, perhaps longer, businesses have bought the governments and the armies and the police forces (even the United Nations) in every country around the world to guard their 'assets' and their 'corporate personhood' rights, to preserve and expand their market space, to increase their power to create wars which create markets for their weapons and toxic wastes and chemicals, and now their pharmaceuticals.
Business as usual is insane to the maximum if you regard exterminating life on Earth as insane.
No organization can take responsibility. No corporation can be responsible. This is corporate psychopath double-talk insanity. Please stop and watch the documentary film The Corporation if you have not already seen it. You have to understand what a corporation is to understand the unfeasibility of modern culture's economic paradigm.
Corporations use hierarchical power structures because they are designed to be hijacked by psychopathic personalities. The 'winners' are those who will do whatever it takes to take the power positions, in other words, the psychopaths.
“You never change things by fighting against the existing gameworlds. You change things by building and inhabiting new gameworlds that make the existing gameworlds irrelevant.”
It is time to build Grownesses instead of businesses. Can you do that?Will you take a Stand to teach and guide people as they build Gaian Growness Gameworlds?
There are over 300 million Cultural Creatives waiting and ready for you to help them any way you can to navigate the transformational processes through the gap between the business gameworlds and the Growness gameworlds.
Start and inhabit new gameworlds. Then it makes sense to abandon the old gameworlds.
"Build it and they will come." (from the movie Field of Dreams with Kevin Kostner - watch it!)
But if you do not build it, no one even has a chance to enter the new Growness gamespace. You can see this already. That probably makes it a job on your bench.
Core Strategic Resources
This is not a business, an NGO, an association, a worker-owned cooperative, a non-profit, a not-for-profit, a school, or a church.
This is a growness.
There is no law that applies to grownesses in the rule of law of modern civilization.
But there huge (Archetypal) resources waiting to support you as you build up your growness gameworld and get it to fly.
Here are some suggestions:
Experiments For Amplifying Your Agency With Increasing Nonmaterial Growness 'Profits'
Growness Gameworld-Building Experiments
Matrix Code GROWNESS.02
Go talk to the shop and office people. You walk in and introduce yourself: “Hello my name is…. I am doing a research project. It is about the reason people do the work that they do. Can I ask you a couple of questions? Everything is anonymous, I will not even write the name of your shop, just the type.”
If they say ‘No’, without further comment, you say “Thank you very much for your time. Goodbye.”. If they say ‘Yes’, keep going.
“My first question is: How come you are doing the job that you are doing? Why are you doing this job?” They might tell you that their grandparents owned this store, that it was passed down to their father, and now to them. They are keeping the family tradition. Or they might tell you that they are working as an intern, putting in the hours so they can ‘put it on their CV’. Or they might tell you that their friends find them this gig, it pays well, the boss is nice, it is simple. Everyone has a story about why they are doing what they are doing. You might have a story of your own. You tell them: “I have another question. Would you still do this job if you were not being paid?” You would be hard pressed to find someone who would say ‘Yes’. If you do encounter someone who does not exchange material value for money, grab a seat, you could be in for a long conversation. You have found another edgeworker! Your experimental purpose has expanded. There are many purposes to choose from when engaging with another edgeworker. For example, if they do not know that they are an edgeworker, your job could be to blow wind into their identity as an edgeworker as a service for their community. An edgeworker is a seed crystal for the emergence of archan culture. As patriarchal culture collapses, the more edgeworkers can be called forth, the strong the
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